With the decision taken by the Erciyes University Senate on 08/12/2010, it was decided to open Tomarza Vocational School within Erciyes University. The proposal of Erciyes University Rectorate regarding the establishment of Tomarza Vocational School was accepted at the Higher Education General Assembly meeting dated 30/11/2011, in accordance with Article 7/d-2 of Law No. 2547, as amended by Law No. 2880, and Tomarza Vocational School was established. Our school was furnished by philanthropic businessman Mustafa AKINCIOĞLU at the beginning of the 2013-2014 Academic Year and its name was changed to Tomarza Mustafa Akıncıoğlu Vocational School by the decision taken by the Erciyes University Senate. Mapping and Cadastre and Architectural Restoration Programs were established in our school in 2014 under the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, and the Architectural Restoration Program started accepting students in the 2017-2018 academic year. Tomarza Mustafa Akıncıoğlu Vocational School was transferred to the newly established Kayseri University with the Law on Amendments to the Higher Education Law and Some Laws and Decree Laws published in the Official Gazette dated 18 May 2018 and numbered 30425. Architectural Restoration Program continues its educational activities within Kayseri University Tomarza Mustafa Akıncıoğlu Vocational School.
Degree Earned
When the 120 ECTS credit program is successfully completed and program qualifications are met, an associate degree is obtained in the field of Architectural Restoration. Restoration Technician Title is obtained
Program Profile
Mimari Restorasyon Programı, binlerce yıllık geçmişe sahip ülkemizde, taşınır ve taşınmaz kültür varlıklarının korunması ve bu kültür varlıklarının harap olan, yıkılan bölümlerinin veya tamamının aslına uygun olarak, bilimsel yöntemlerle restore edilmesi işlemini yapan restoratör teknikerleri yetiştirmeye yönelik eğitim verilen ön lisans programıdır. Mimari Restorasyon Programı, lise öğrenimi sonrasında iki yıllık eğitim vermektedir. Programa ÖSYM tarafından yapılan Yükseköğretim Kurumları Sınavı (YKS) TYT puan türü ile Genel Kontenjanda 45, Okul Birincileri Kontenjanı ile 2, 34 Yaş Üstü kadın Kontenjanı ile de 2 olmak üzere toplam 49 öğrenci alınmaktadır. Öğrenciler, programda bulunan Rölöve, Restorasyon, Restorasyon Yöntem ve Teknikleri, Teknik Resim, Bilgisayar Destekli Çizim, Yapı Malzemesi, Yapı Bilgisi, Mimarlık Tarihi, Tarihi yapılarda Strüktürel Problemler, Geleneksel Yapılarda Bezeme, Keşif Metraj ve Hakediş, Ahşap Restorasyonu, Taş İşçiliği, Fotoğrametri gibi zorunlu dersleri almak ve geçmek zorundadır. Zorunlu derslerin yanı sıra I., II., III. ve IV. Yarıyılda yer alan seçmeli derslerle mesleki gelişim, sosyal ve kültürel gelişim desteklenmektedir. Öğrenciler 1. ve 2. dönemde temel İngilizce dersi almaktadırlar. Öğrencilerin, staj komisyonun uygun gördüğü kamu kurum ve kuruluşları ile özel sektör bünyesinde mesleği ile ilgili alanlarda 30 iş gününü kapsayan bir stajı tamamlaması da zorunludur. Öğrencilerin mezun olabilmesi için mevcut olan derslerin tümünü (toplamda 120 AKTS) geçmek, en az 2.00 ortalamaya sahip olması şartı aranmaktadır.
Employment Opportunities for Graduates
Graduates of the program become "Architectural Restoration Associate Degree Program Graduates". Graduates of the Architectural Restoration Program work in laboratories, construction sites and offices of public (Ministry of Culture and Tourism Restoration and Conservation Central Laboratory, Directorate of Surveying and Monuments, General Directorate of Foundations, National Parks, General Directorate of Highways, Municipalities...) and private institutions operating in restoration fields. They are employed as technical personnel alongside architects in restoration works carried out by foundations, in museums and palaces affiliated with the Department of National Palaces or in private museums, in archaeological excavation teams and on construction sites.
Transition to the Upper Level
Candidates who have successfully completed their Associate Degree education can apply to undergraduate programs in relevant fields, provided that they receive sufficient marks from the Vertical Transfer exam conducted by the Student Selection and Placement Center. They can continue their four-year undergraduate education by transferring to the departments listed below in universities with the Vertical Transfer Exam (DGS).
Address and Contact Information
Program Coordinator:
Lecturer Kevser LALELİ
Kayseri University Tomarza Mustafa Akıncıoğlu Vocational School
TYYÇ - Program Competencies Relationship