KAYÜ Anasayfa
Graduation Excitement in Our School

Our school graduated from its 10th term with the end of the 2023-2024 academic year. As a result, the Graduation and Shad Wearing Ceremony was held at Tomarza Women and Youth Center. Tomarza District Governor Ali Buzkaya, Tomarza Mayor Osman Koç, and our Rector Prof. attended the Graduation and Riding Ceremony. Dr. Kurtuluş Karamustafa, our Provincial Director of Environment and Urbanization Ms. Sibel Livdumlu, our 11th Regional Deputy Director of Land Registry and Cadastre Mr. Altan, as well as Lecturers, Academicians, District Institution Chiefs, Students and student families attended. Our School Principal Lecturer made the opening speech of the ceremony, which started with a moment of silence and the National Anthem. See. Dr. İbrahim BEKTAŞ congratulated the graduating students, wished them success in their future lives and thanked those who attended our Graduation and Shad Donning Ceremony. Our Rector Prof. Dr. Kurtuluş Karamustafa and Tomarza Mayor Osman Koç congratulated the graduating students and wished them success in their future lives. The Graduation and Shad Donning Ceremony ended after our students were given their diplomas and their sashes were tied.

12 Temmuz 2024 Cuma